

The great thing about literature is that there is always some new discovery. I've been reading a lot of Wodehouse (not only the Jeeves series) and loving it. And at the same time I found Carson McCullers books buried away somewhere that I hadn't read.

There is a portrait of McCullers on the cover of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter in b&w, and I was just staring at it before opening the book. It looks like McCullers is sitting on top a coal heap and looking so mournful. You can't tell if she is looking at the camera or just staring blankly. What a sad picture. On closer inspection, I see that it's not a coal heap, but just the way the plants or weeds around her look.

Open the cover, curious to see who took such a piercing photo: none other than HCB. Man - that guy never fails to amaze me.

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