
untitled 0492

Canon A620 @ ISO 100 --> Noise Ninja --> Photokit Capture Sharpner --> Alien Skin Exposure --> EES Subdued --> Photokit Sharpner for web --> Photoshop Save for Web


Dave Beckerman said...

I picked up the Canon A620 ($230) about a week ago and I've been shooting with it. Oh hell - you all know I'm hopeless in terms of fidelity to anything.

btw, I'm having a great time with it.

Dave Beckerman said...

You know - one other thing that I'd like to see manufacturers agree on, besides the card type is the GAMMA for the Mac and the PC. It is very annoying that every monitor can't be set to the same gamma. There should be a law that all monitors emit the same amount of brightness and contrast or something like that. And also that all digicams use the same type of card and battery.