
Rangefinders Redeux

I returned the CV R3A, and stopped by the used dept. at B&H. I looked at several nice Leica M6's but they were a touch expensive. The sales guy - who I know for many years - showed me a very clean double-stroke M3. I bought it. $850. I know I could probably find an M6 on the web for the same price or close to it, but I like (as I've said before) - doing these transactions in person.

What a strange summer. Backwards through time. Next thing you know I'll be using a camera obscura.

* * *

"When you make an equipment purchase do you look at in terms of how many typical orders or prints that you need to sell to pay for it?
" JBee

The short answer: No.

The longer answer: I'm driven by necessity. What is going to get me further along with my prints (which doesn't mean that I'm right). I agonize about the money. I just try to keep it all as even as possible in terms of money outlay. It is a rough estimate. With the trade-in of the old equipment - and switching to Rangefinder equipment and neg. development - I'm probably out about $500. That doesn't include film / developer and wasted testing time.

When I had "a real job" money was of very little concern and I just bought whatever I wanted at the time and had much more expensive equipment than I do now.


SteveR said...

Hey, now I'm confused. Are you keeping the R2A as well?

I bought a really nice DS M3 in 1978 (maybe it's the same one!) from Olden. About 2 years later, I sold it back. BIG MISTAKE! Even a Dark Side DSLR-er like me must admit that.

Dave Beckerman said...

Steve - yes, keeping the R2A. Decided to get the M3 as a second / first body. Felt it would give me more options in terms of quietness (not to mention battery free).

Dave Beckerman said...


Dimage 5400 (I don't know if there is a more recent model).

I scan at 5400 (since I don't want to have to do it again and I want cropping room if needed).

Slow if you are doing a double pass, which I do - about 8 minutes per neg.

You can scan multiple negs at the same time and just leave it to do it's thing. As a matter of fact, the software IS up for multi-tasking. I can let it do it's scanning business while I do other stuff on the PC.

I'm using it with Firewire.

And I like the software a lot as well.