
Sunrise, Atlantic City

Sunrise, Atlantic City


Dave Beckerman said...

Not sure when but it was with the G2 and the 21mm, on a tripod, after a rain. The negative was badly scratched somewhere along the line and I spent a lot of time in PS cleaning it up. TMAX 100.

Dave Beckerman said...


Dave Beckerman said...

And I'm waiting for Time Warner. And since I don't have a land line - I am typing this from my neighbors apartment.

And Time Warner says that they can't come til Weds. So if you are emailing me and I don't respond - try calling.

Dave Beckerman said...

What's annoying is that when you call them up they just send you through the routine of rebooting your modem etc. I was sitting in his house and we were both saying that something was probably wrong underground somewhere and it didn't have anything to do with my particular setup. When I walked back into my apartment - everything was back to normal.

I'm obviously back online for the moment. My neighbor has a wireless network in his house off of a cable connection with TW and as a back up, I'm going to either get a wi-fi card that I can use to tap into his system or use the laptop he loaned me which can see his network from my apartment. Problem with his laptop is that it crashes after being on for an hour (IBM THINKPAD) and he could never figure out why (new battery installed).

My problem is that I don't have a landline to hook a modem up to. And orders come in practically everyday. Of course if TW goes down in the whole building and he's effected then the wi-fi won't be of any use.

Dave Beckerman said...

Craig - thanks. The problem is solved. Had nothing to do with my modem or router. I just bought an old thinkpad with a wi-fi connection from my neighbor for $100 and I can hit his network from it. He sold it so cheaply because he says it crashes every hour.

I turned off all the hibernation sh*t and so far it's been running for a few hours. We'll see how it goes. If it does crash a lot I'm going to wipe the drive and reinstall everything. The wi-fi card isn't built in so I can stick it into another laptop if I go that way. I like the laptop idea because if all else fails - I can hang out at the nearby Starbucks and do my business there.