
Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, 1995 - Rollei TLR, Plus-X


Dave Beckerman said...

I believe it was the 3.5F. I had two TLR's at different times so I can't say for sure. I believe both were Tessars. Both about as good a lens as I ever used; maybe the best.

Dave Beckerman said...

Yes, 3-d is the exact look. I haven't put many of these shots up for sale since I couldn't do them justice until the 4990 scanner came along. Plus, the detail is still not visible - it never really is - on the web.

I was aware of the amazing quality of the lens at the time and didn't want to screw it up with hand shake. Tripod and cable release.

Dave Beckerman said...


Dave Beckerman said...

A good project, when I have nothing better to do, would be to go through the photography store and see how many Medium Format shots were hand held. I can only think of one.