
More Secrets

Continuing with my Victoria's Secret campaign tips, I made this replica of what they've got on their site and plastered it on my home page. This is not a new offer. It's just more pronounced. Think about it. Why should anyone charge shipping if the orders are large enough? Hey - no shipping charges on orders over $10,000. I guess it depends on what you're shipping and how.

Speaking of shipping - two packages brought to post office for overseas shipping and once again, I managed to fill out the wrong custom form. Remember, you have your two choices, the little green one and the larger white one. Last time I was told that for a package of a certain size and weight (same as today, same as today!) I should fill out the larger white one. But of course when I got to the window I was told to use the smaller green one. Reason? You should use the smaller green one for packages that are under 4 pounds. Really? I never heard that one before. Yep, that's the rule she says: 4 pounds or under. I tell her that every time I fill out a custom slip I get told something different... Oh ---

1 comment:

Dave Beckerman said...

Jeff, absolutely. Though I think the psychology is different for different products, i.e. the psychology of the Leica M6 is not the same as the cost of a print.